What to Expect

We are very informal and relaxed; most people who come to Hope on Sundays will be dressed casually and will feel free to sit or stand at various points in the meetings, depending on their preference.


At 10am we meet in the Mill Lane Centre in Mill Lane and we start with a time of lively worship. Our worship band usually includes singers, guitarists, a keyboard player and a drummer, and sometimes we also have a violin or even a flutist.


Hope Church has an excellent Crèche facility located closely to the main hall. Designed to provide a practical and comfortable area for parents and their 0-4 year olds, the facility includes a good space for toddlers, changing tables, sofas and a live-link so that the sermon can be shown on screen as required.


About 20 minutes into the meeting the 5-7s and 8-11s go to their different groups (Adventurers). All kids will have been booked into these sessions in order to conform to our safeguarding standards. The booking system is manned in the main entrance area.

News & Events

Information about upcoming events and news is usually given between the worship and the sermon. More will also be available at the Information Stand, so please feel free to pick up any leaflets of interest.


The talk typically lasts between 30-40 minutes and is bible-based.


Prayer is available for anyone who would like after the service and is usually provided by a team located next to the Prayer Ministry banner.


Tea and coffee (and occasionally lovely cakes!) are available at the end of the meeting. This is a great time to get to know new people and catch up with old friends.