Vision and Mission

Hope Church is committed to following Jesus Christ. We recognise He wants us to love God, love one another, make disciples and share the good news that Jesus is alive.


These goals don't change. However, we also recognise God gives specific direction to each individual church to help them fulfil these tasks. And this direction can change, often with a new emphasis each year.

In the current season Hope Church is focusing on Community, Worship and Mission across the generations. This has come about after prophetic words and encouragements have challenged us to believe that God wants us to increase the size of the church and its impact on the town and beyond. We also believe that we need to press into a deeper relationship with God and with one another.

Please see Ian Lettington’s talk entitled: Responding to Jesus

Due to this Vision, we have identified the following areas of development. They are:

  1. To pursue a missional policy of planting and growing new Hope Church congregations. Initially within the Sevenoaks district, but to be open to going beyond these borders.
  2. To strengthen the depth of Church community and increase the number and variety of Connect Groups within the church, to provide ‘home’ and discipleship for all who want small group connection.
  3. To make the gospel message ‘bigger’ in Sevenoaks.
  4. To shape ourselves into a hub – a resourcing base – to pioneer new congregations, church plants and Connect Groups, along with other initiatives.
  5. To encourage and support the Church in others parts of the world – especially Europe.