Hope Church holds to traditional Christian values and beliefs which are outlined below.
God is one God but comprised of three persons who live eternally - Father, Son and Holy Spirit (this mystery is called the Trinity). In the beginning God made everything and sustains it all. He rules over it all redeeming and judging the world
Man - although men and women were made perfect in the image of God, they turned away from God. Because of this, mankind is now spiritually dead, born sinful and completely unable to turn towards God - without the Holy Spirit giving life (regeneration).
Jesus Christ is fully God. Yet he became fully human when He was born from a virgin (incarnation). Jesus made a way for us to go to heaven (salvation). He did this through His perfect life and sacrificial death on the cross. He became our substitute and our sin was attributed to Him. God punished Jesus to defeat evil so reconciling us with God (this is called the atonement). Jesus rose from the dead on the third day (physically). There were many witnesses. Soon afterwards He was taken up to Heaven where He is now ruling over everything and praying for his Church (interceding).
Holy Spirit - He was sent by Jesus and the Father after Christ’s return to Heaven. He comforts, counsels, empowers and leads believers. He also challenges non-Christians about their sin - and brings them to Jesus (conversion). He also works to make believers more holy, helping them to be like Christ (sanctification) and gives them gifts to help them worship and serve God.
The Bible is utterly trustworthy (infallible) and inspired by God. It is sufficient for teaching us what we believe and how to live. The Holy Spirit illuminates scripture so helping us to understand it
Salvation - Men and women can now receive - by faith - the perfection (righteousness) of Jesus as a free gift, because of the atonement. This means people can be completely forgiven and made righteous - even though they have sinned (This is called justification).
Church - Jesus is building a new community called the Church. There is the universal Church (all Christians in the world) and the local church - groups of believers, located in many different parts of the globe, that are committed to Jesus and each other. The local church should bring in the rule of God (His Kingdom) wherever it is. Church is a place where God is worshipped and His word is preached. People are born again, the poor cared for and sick people are healed. Believers are baptised in water and in the Holy Spirit. Baptism in water is a sign of commitment to Christ and a symbol of an individual’s death to his old way of life, and resurrection in Jesus Christ. Church is also a place where The Lord’s Supper (communion) is celebrated to commemorate Jesus’ death
Final Judgement - God’s Kingdom will come to its fullness with the personal and glorious return of Jesus to Earth. He will judge all of mankind and give everlasting joy (Heaven) to the righteous (believers), and everlasting punishment to the wicked (Hell).
We embrace the Evangelical Alliance Statement of Faith.